21 November 2023
LEILA Final Conference
‘LEILA – towards a muLtilingual European platform for judIciaL Auctions’ (LEILA) is an EU-funded project in the judicial auctions’ domain.
Join us for the LEILA Final Conference on 20-21 November 2023 to go through the Platform’s story and features prior to its official launch (eujudicialauctions.eu/a/final-conference)!
LEILA Project is focused on providing a pilot multilingual platform for information on judicial auctions, where information about goods to be sold at judicial auctions is reported together with the related regulations.
The Platform can be connected to Member States’ judicial auctions’ national information systems to retrieve judicial auctions’ data in an automated way and present it to European citizens searching for auctions in several countries, in a uniform EU format. Such integration guarantees that information would be kept up-to-date and trustworthy, while providing a simple and intuitive graphic user-friendly interface facilitating complex searches and enabling users to compare the search results in a selected language. The platform also provides functionalities for manual upload and update of information where such national information systems don’t exist.
The Platform is now ready to be launched with several Member States already integrated therein.