Chiara Fioravanti
She graduated in Communication Science (ICT specialization) from the University of Siena and received her PhD in Information Engineering (Telematic and Information Society specialization) from the University of Florence.
After working for the Siena University spin-off company, in 2004 she began collaborating with the Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques (ITTIG) – CNR, working on the PAeSI (Public Administration and Immigrants) project aimed at improving legal information dissemination, transparency and standardization in the immigration domain through a specific website: Today she continues to be active in developing the PAeSI website in the TEAMS (Tuscany Empowerment Actions for Migrant System) Project, founded by AMIF (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund).
In 2011 she began working as a temporary research fellow in ITTIG’s research program “Support Systems for legislative bodies and public administration” dealing with ICT and public administration in the immigration domain.
Since 2015 she has been a Researcher of the Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques (ITTIG) – CNR (now Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems (IGSG) – CNR).
Her research interests focus on: Dissemination and Accessibility of Legal and Administrative information, Legal language, Human Centered Design, Legal Design, Information Design, Communicating the law to diverse audiences, Digital Public Administration, Digital citizenship, Intercultural Communication.
Since 2017 she has been a member of the board of directors of the Association for the Quality of Administrative Acts (AQUAA) of Accademia della Crusca and Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems (IGSG). The association promotes scientific and technological initiatives for the simplification and transparency of administrative information.
Selected projects
- TEAMS Tuscany Empowerment Actions for Migrant System - Fondo Asilo Migrazione Immigrazione (FAMI) 2014 2020
- VICTIMS Analisi e promozione della tutela dei diritti delle vittime di reato (Ministero della Giustizia)
- #IOPARTECIPO - Fondo Asilo Migrazione Immigrazione (FAMI) 2014 2020
- PAeSI nel Mondo - Fondo Asilo Migrazione Immigrazione (FAMI) 2014 2020
- PAeSI Pubblica Amministrazione e Stranieri Immigrati
- CITYCoP (Citizen Interaction Technologies Yield Community Policing) Project - European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
- I-Support Civil Justice Project - European Union Justice Program 2014-2020
Selected publications
- S. Ahrens, C. Fioravanti, Cultural implications in Easy Language texts for migrants. Theoretical considerations and insights from practice in Germany and in Italy, in Trans-kom Journal of Translation and Technical Communication Research, 15 (2) 2022, pp. 270–292, (ISSN) 1867-4844.
- C. Fioravanti, Communicating the Law and Public Information to Vulnerable Audiences: Contexts and Strategies in Journal of open access to law (JOAL), Vol.9, 2021, Legal Information Institute Cornell Law School Editore- Ithaca NY. ISSN: 2372-7152. - C. Fioravanti, F. Romano, Easy-to-read for migrant inclusion: creating a glossary on public administration terminology, Abstract in KLAARA 2021 Conference proceedings, August 30/31st 2021.
- C. Fioravanti, F. Romano, Legal design projects in the immigration domain: lessons learned and contributions from different disciplines, in R. Ducato and A, Strowel (eds), “Legal Design Perspectives: Theoretical and Practical Insights from the Field”, Ledizioni, Milano, 2021.;jsessionid=189CF57C8B1D27D6C18A3CB4C3522A49?sequence=1 - C. Fioravanti, F. Romano, C. Torchia, Terminologia giuridica e inclusione: un glossario digitale semplificato in materia di immigrazione, in Elena Chiocchetti, Natascia Ralli (a cura di), "Risorse e strumenti per l'elaborazione e la diffusione della terminologia in Italia", Eurac Research, Bolzano, 2022. - S. Conti, C. Fioravanti, G. Peruginelli, Covid-19 And Digital Library Services: An Overview on Legal Information, Emerald Digital Library Perspectives Journal, Issue 1 2021 Digital libraries and COVID-19, Part 2: The “new normal” (ISSN) 2059-5816.
- C. Fioravanti, F. Romano, Access to legal information for citizens and new citizens in Italy: using visual elements and adopting Legal Design methods to make administrative documents clearer and more effective in Journal of open access to law (JOAL), Legal Information Institute Cornell Law School Editore- Ithaca NY, Vol.7, n. 1, 2019, (ISSN) 2372-7152.
- C. Fioravanti, S. Conti, G. Peruginelli, F. Romano, Access and knowledge of the law: supporting migrants in understanding law, IFLA World Library and Information Congress 24-30 August 2019, Athens, Greece Conference Proceedings.
- C. Fioravanti, ICT e integrazione: strumenti di e-government a supporto dell'accesso all'informazione e del processo di inclusione nelle società interculturali, in Rivista italiana di informatica e diritto 1(2), 2019 (ISSN) 2704-7318.
- C. Fioravanti, F. Romano, Linee guida extraeuropee per la scrittura di testi amministrativi: un'analisi per un approccio interculturale, in Federalismi, diritti e poteri pubblici. Annuario 2018, Libellula Edizioni, Tricase (Italia) 2019.