Fabrizio Turchi
Technology executive
Fabrizio Turchi is the technological director at Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems of the National Research of Council of Italy (CNR-IGSG). His research activities are the applications of IT to legal domain, legal standard and legal drafting, use of the XML technologies to devise legal documents models. He has been designing and developing Web applications, formal parsers to identify parts and structures that exist inside textual documents and natural language processing techniques applied to legal documents for knowledge extraction, such as automated text classification and anonymity processes based on Named Entity Recognition (NER). He taught courses at University of Florence, on:
- Web technologies
- Cryptography
and he provided the University of Pisa with online courses for on:
- Introduction to Logic
- Information retrieval
- Search engines
- Internet, web and HTML language
- XML language
His recent interests focus on the standard representation of the data and meta data of the evidence, and in particular by using the UCO/CASE ontology (caseontology.org)
He has been involved in many European Projects dealing with the exchange of digital evidence among Competent Authorities in the EU Member States:
- EVIDENCE (Grant Agreement n. 608185, FP7 program, Mar 2014 – Aug 2016), where he was responsible for the work package WP4 (Standard issues) whose main aim consisted of identifying open standards, for the handling of the digital evidence and for its exchange across Europe.
- EVIDENCE 2e-CODEX (Grant Agreement n. 766468 – Linking Evidence into e-CODEX for EIO and MLA procedures in Europe – February 2018 – January 2020), whose primary aim was the exchange of digital evidence expressed in CASE ontology standard, across EU MSs over the e-CODEX platform under the EIO/MLA legal instruments. He was leader of the work package WP3 (Matching EVIDENCE into e- CODEX and Linking to Other EU Member States).
- INSPECTr (Grant Agreement n. 833276 – Intelligence Network and Secure Platform for Evidence Correlation and Transfer – September 2019-August 2022) whose aim is to develop a shared intelligent platform for gathering, analysing, prioritising and presenting key data to help in the prediction, detection and management of crime in support of multiple agencies at local, national and international level. He is the leader of the work package WP2 for providing a Reference Framework for the Standardization of Evidence Representation & Exchange. The activity includes to the analysis and conversion of the output of some commercial forensics’ tools (Cellebrite UFED, Magnet AXIOM, OXYGEN and MSAB XRY) into the CASE ontology standard.
- EXEC-II (Grant Agreement n. 2019-EU-IA-0092, INEA Agency program, Oct 2020 – Sep 2022) whose aims are: establishing and maintaining the connection to the e-Evidence Platform, piloting of the exchange of digital evidence across MSs by using the Evidence Exchange Standard Package (EESP) application, based on CASE ontology standard for the representation of data and metadata of the evidence. He is leader of the Activity 6, related to the development and piloting of the EESP application.
- TREIO (Grant Agreement n. 882068 e-Justice program, Apr 2020 – Mar 2022) aims to develop and pilot an all-round cross-border training on European Investigation Order (EIO) implementation to foster the use and successful exchange of EIO forms and evidences across EU.
He is member of the UCO/CASE Community: an international standard supporting automated combination, validation, and analysis of cyber-investigation information.
Recent pubblications:
- F. Turchi (2023), Evidence Exchange under the EIO: Technological Challenges in M.A. Biasiotti, F. Turchi (eds.), European Investigation Order: Where the Law Meets the Technology, Springer 2022 (in press)
- G. Giardiello, F. Turchi (2023), Evidence Exchange Standard Package: An Application CASE Ontology Complied for the Evidence Package Preparation and Exchange, in M.A. Biasiotti, F. Turchi (eds.), European Investigation Order: Where the Law Meets the Technology, Springer 2022 (in press)
- Turchi F., Giardiello G. (2022) About Developing a Cross-Check System for Judicial Case Searching and Correlation. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin – Special Conference Edition Nr. 6
- M.A. Biasiotti, S. Conti, F. Turchi (2019): La raccolta della prova digitale in ambito europeo: una proposta per l’adozione di uno standard Utet Giuridica, Assago (Italia) in Cybercrime, 2019
- Maria Angela Biasiotti, Joseph A. Cannataci, Jeanne Pia Mifsud-Bonnici, Fabrizio Turchi (2018): Introduction: Opportunities and challenges for electronic evidence, Springer, London (Regno Unito) in Handling and Exchanging Electronic Evidence across Europe, 2018
- Mattia Epifani, Fabrizio Turchi (2018): Standard for the Electronic Evidence Exchange, Springer, London (Regno Unito) in Handling and Exchanging Electronic Evidence across Europe, 2018