Manola Cherubini
Manola Cherubini has a degree in Law at the University of Modena and a PhD in Telematics and Information Society at the University of Florence.
Since 1999, she worked at the IDG – Institute for Legal Documentation of the CNR and since 2008, she has been a Researcher at the National Research Council, first at the ITTIG – Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques, then merged into the IGSG – Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems.
Her main research areas involve: techniques and methods for legal documentation and legal information systems; structural and semantic analysis of legal language; tools and standards for access to legal information; Artificial Intelligence for law, in particular use of Large Language Models for Law.
She has been involved in several projects such as NIR (Norme In Rete – Legislation on the Net), promoted by the Ministry of Justice, as head of operational units; P.A.eS.I. (Public Administration and Immigrant Foreigners); RTRT – Tuscany Regional Telematic Network (Legal information systems for public administrations); “Observatory on the Rules of Agriculture and Food. For the protection of identity and security”, promoted by the Cultural Identity Department of the CNR in agreement with the University of Pisa; “Migrations” of the Cultural Identity Department of the CNR, as responsible for the research activity on “Italian migrations: reality, impact and trends”; PRIN Project on Language as a factor of political and social integration.
From 2014 to 2017, she was a member of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Cultural Heritage Department – CNR as National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN), under the coordination of the Ministry of the Interior, Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration. She was responsible for the Italian version of the Glossary and Thesaurus of terms relating to Asylum and Migration and, until March 2021, she was responsible for designing, implementing, and updating the EMN Glossary APP, a multilingual application for consulting the Glossary in English, Italian, Finnish, Greek, Latvian and German.
From August 2018 to June 2019 she carried out research on “Modeling and representation of legal language in the Italian and Maltese legal system” at L-Università tà Malta, Faculty of Arts, Department of Italian.
She is currently in charge of the CNR projects “Legal Information Technology for the comparison of Legal Systems” and “Artificial Intelligence’s Language Models and Law”.
Furthermore, she is involved in the “Creative Commons Italian Chapter” Project and in the CLAKP – Copyright Law and Access to Knowledge Policies Group.
Selected projects
- Artificial Intelligence’s Language Models and Law
- CLAKP - Copyright Law and Access to Knowledge Policies Group
- Creative Commons Italian Chapter
- European Migration Network (EMN)
- Legal Information Technology for the comparison of Legal Systems
Selected publications
- Cherubini M., Rinaldi M., L'importanza dell'accesso ai concetti giuridici sulle migrazioni e l'asilo in un'ottica comparata, in, giugno 2021 – cod. A8778.
- Cherubini M., Plurilinguismo e comparazione giuridica: la mediazione familiare, in Cadeddu M.E., Marras C. (a cura di), “Linguaggi, ricerca, comunicazione. Focus CNR”, Collana Plurilinguismo e Migrazioni (PLURIMI), 1/2019, CNR EDIZIONI, ROMA, 2019, pp. 115-125.
- Cherubini M., I sistemi informativi giuridici plurilingue delle pubbliche amministrazioni, in Pietrangelo M. (a cura di), "La lingua della comunicazione pubblica al tempo di Internet. Profili giuridici", ESI, Napoli, 2016, pp. 145-164.
- Cherubini M., Faro S., Rinaldi M. (a cura di), Glossario sull’asilo e la migrazione. Edizione italiana 2016, CNR Edizioni, Roma, 2016, pp. 1-182.
- Cherubini M., Romano F., Informatica giuridica e pubblica amministrazione, in Peruginelli G., Ragona M. (a cura di), "L'Informatica giuridica in Italia. Cinquant'anni di studi, ricerche ed esperienze", ESI, Napoli, 2014, pp. 483-498.
- Cherubini M. (a cura di), Tecnologie, pubblica amministrazione, migrazioni. Un sistema informativo avanzato per la gestione dell'informazione sui procedimenti in materia di migrazioni e sanità, Collana IDG, Serie "Studi e documenti", ESI, Napoli, 11/2013, pp. 1-233.
- Cherubini M., L’informatica giuridica a servizio del dialogo tra normativa, giurisprudenza e dottrina in materia di diritto agro-alimentare, in Goldoni M., Sirsi E. (a cura di), "Per uno studio interdisciplinare su agricoltura e alimentazione. Atti del Convegno di inaugurazione dell'Osservatorio. Pisa, 22-23 gennaio 2010", Giuffré, Milano, 2011, pp. 406-418
- Spinosa P., Giardiello G., Cherubini M., Marchi S., Montemagni S., Venturi G., NLP-based Metadata Extraction for Legal Text Consolidation, in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, ICAIL 2009, Association Of Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, pp. 40-49.
- Cherubini M., Norms in the Interaction between Citizen Users and the Administrative Apparatus, in G: Peruginelli, M. Ragona (eds), "Law via the Internet. Free Access, Quality of Information, Effectiveness of Rights" Proceedings of the IX International Conference "Law via the Internet" (Florence, 30-31 October 2008), Firenze, European Press Academic Publishing, 2009, pp. 337 – 345.
- Cherubini M., Norme, procedimenti amministrativi e web semantico. Un approccio ontologico per il diritto, ESI, Napoli, 2007, pp. 1-112.