Copyright Law and Access to Knowledge Policies Group (CLAKP)
CLAKP is a research group aiming at strengthening the right to knowledge as essential for education, innovation, and access to culture. This goal can be achieved through the support for a copyright reform for the benefit of library users and researchers. The IGSG Research Group works within the Knowledge Rights
21 Programme (KR21) initiative, supporting the national coordinator for Italy (Avv. Deborah De Angelis), in collaboration with Creative Commons Italian Chapter, the Libraries of the CNR Territorial Research Area of Bologna and of Pisa.
The IGSG Group is composed of experts on copyright and legal issues affecting the digital environment. In particular, it deals with aspects related to authors’ rights Retention, e-books and controlled digital lending. In addition, the Group’s areas of interest and study regard issues concerning the safeguarding of exceptions and limitations to copyright from technological protection measures and contractual override, as well as the aspects concerning the secondary publishing right and the application of open norms. The IGSG Group has started its work in the context of the conference ‘Research, Education and Access to Cultural Heritage. A Comparison of Fundamental Rights and Copyright Exceptions‘ held in Rome on 6 May 2022.
Knowledge Rights launched two videos explaining some of the key issues around 21st century access to research, education and culture. These address two key factors limiting access: i) the use of contractual terms and digital locks to override copyright, and ii) the inability of the rigid European approach to copyright exceptions to deal with fast changing technology (see KR21 website).
CLAKP realized and is happy to share the following Italian version of the videos.