Davide Carnevali

Senior researcher

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+39 051 27562 29(18)





After graduating with a degree in Methodology of Political Science at the University of Bologna (Public Administration Division) in 1990, he began collaborating in the Centre of Study on the Judicial Administration: concerning the institutional setting of the judiciary, monitoring of the new code of criminal procedure, the organization and functioning of judicial offices, the video-recording systems, and the introduction of information technology in the courts. He had several judicial administration scholarships abroad as a visiting scholar, awarded by universities and research institutions.

Until 1998 he was a consultant in the research fields mentioned above and a lecturer in the related training programme. From 1999 to 2001, he also served as Organizational Analyst at the Italian Ministry of Justice, IT General Directorate. During this period, he was mainly involved in monitoring the reform of first-instance courts and developing the electronic exchange of data and documents in civil justice.

Since 2001, Davide Carnevali has been a Researcher at the National Research Council of Italy. His research interests, involvement in projects, and publications deal with institutional setting and functioning of the judicial systems, justice reforms, judicial administration, law and technology, e-Justice, organizational change in justice systems, and assessment and improvement of the quality of justice.

In particular, he is currently responsible for the VICTIMS Project on the analysis and the rights promotion of victims of crime in the context of an agreement with the Italian Ministry of Justice; the LEILA Project on the creation of a multilingual European platform for auctions co-financed by the European Commission; and the RIGIUSS-Next Project on the study of justice reforms for the development of contemporary societies, in the light of the “Next Generation EU” programme and PNRR.

Selected projects

Selected publications

Lupo, G. and D. Carnevali (2022) Smart Justice in Italy: Cases of Apps Created by Lawyers for Lawyers and Beyond, "Laws", 11(3), 51. ISSN 2075-471X https://doi.org/10.3390/laws11030051

Amato, R. and D. Carnevali (2022) The calm after the storm? The tricky path to restoring the enjoyment of individual rights in Intimate Partner Violence cases, "Oñati Socio-Legal Series", 12(3), pp. 443–477. ISSN 2079-5971 https://doi.org/10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1272

Marco, F., D. Carnevali e F. Contini (2022) L’attività formativa svolta dalla Scuola superiore della magistratura dalla sua istituzione, in Dieci anni di Scuola superiore della magistratura (2011-2021), "Quaderni SSM n.12", IPZS, Roma, pp.17-99. ISBN 9791280600127 https://www.scuolamagistratura.it/documents/20126/1750902/ssm_q12_v1.pdf

Carnevali, D. (2019) A Great Success that was on the Brink of Failure: The Case of a Techno-Legal Assemblage in the “Civil Trial On-Line" System in Italy, “European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities”, Volume 8, Issue No.2, pp. 21-35. ISSN 2285-4916

Carnevali, D. (2014) L’inadeguatezza dei criteri utilizzati nella revisione delle circoscrizioni giudiziarie, “Archivio Penale”, Fascicolo n.1 gennaio-aprile 2014, anno LXV, Pisa University Press. ISSN 0004-0304 13002

Carnevali, D. e A. Resca (2014) Pushing at the Edge of Maximum Manageable Complexity: The Case of “Trial Online” in Italy, in Contini F. & G.F. Lanzara (Eds), The Circulation of Agency in e-Justice. Interoperability and Infrastructures for European Transborder Judicial Proceedings (Law, Governance and Technology, Series n.13), Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 161-183. ISBN 978-94-007-7524-4. ISBN 978-94-007-7525-1 (eBook)

Carnevali, D. (2011) Tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione, in Gaito, A. (a cura di), “Digesto delle discipline penalistiche”, UTET Giuridica, Torino, pp. 684-708. ISBN 978-88-598-0713-1

Contini, F. e D. Carnevali (2010) The Quality of Justice: from Conflicts to Politics, in Coman, R. & C. Dallara (eds), Handbook of Judicial Politics, European Institute Editions, Iasi, pp. 157-194. ISBN 978-973-611-713-8

Carnevali, D. (2010) (a cura di) Soggetti smarriti. Perché innovazione e giustizia non si incontrano (quasi) mai, Franco Angeli, Milano, ISBN 978-88-568-3585-4

Carnevali, D. (2009) e-Justice and Policies for Risk Management, in Cerrillo, M. e Fabra, P. (Eds), e-Justice: ICT in the Court System, IGI Global, Information Science Reference, Hershey PA, USA, pp. 19-35 ISBN 978-159904998-4

Carnevali. D (2009) Gli utenti e la qualità della giustizia. Racconto di un’esperienza formativa, IRSiG-CNR Edizioni, Bologna. ISBN 978-88-97439-02-8

Carnevali, D. (2006) La violazione della ragionevole durata del processo: alcuni dati sull’applicazione della “legge Pinto”, in Guarnieri, C. e F. Zannotti (a cura di), Giusto processo?, CEDAM, Padova, pp. 289-314. ISBN 88-13-26177-2

Carnevali, D. (2006) L’Italia nel tunnel dell’e-Justice, in Carnevali, D., F. Contini e M. Fabri (a cura di), Tecnologie per la giustizia. I successi e le false promesse dell’e-Justice, Giuffrè Editore, Milano, pp. 83-132. ISBN 88-14-13060-4

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