
11 Luglio 2023

7th ISKO UK biennial conference “Knowledge Organization and Information Discovery: Improving User Experience, Quality and Trust”

The 7th ISKO UK biennial conference “Knowledge Organization and Information Discovery: Improving User Experience, Quality and Trust” is a hybrid conference taking place on 24-25 July 2023 at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, in partnership with the School of Computing, Engineering & the Built Environment at Edinburgh Napier University.

The conference aims to explore the role of knowledge organization in supporting information discovery with special focus on user experience and resilience in the context of data and information overload and increased dependence on automatic information processing. The objective of the conference is to promote discussion and understanding about the benefits of knowledge organization and the way it can encourage user engagement and interaction with information. 

The conference keynote address will be given by Prof. Ian Ruthven. The programme will feature a number of invited speakers from the field of information and computer science including Enrico Daga, David Elsweiler, Paul Groth, David Haynes, Stephann Makri, Martin White, Peter Winstanley and Marcia Zeng.

On 24 July, Ginevra Peruginelli and Enrico Francesconi will present the poster “The Legal Labyrinth. Knowledge Organization Systems in the Law Domain: Benefits and Challenges
The legal domain is a complex and dynamic area of knowledge, where the interpretation of legal texts requires a high level of precision and accuracy. Legal information, such as statutes, regulations, case law, and contracts, are typically written in a formal language that is difficult to understand for non-experts. Moreover, legal concepts and terms often have multiple meanings and can vary depending on the context and jurisdiction. Therefore, legal researchers, practitioners, policymakers and even citizens need efficient ways to access, organize, and analyse legal information. Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) provide a structured way to represent legal concepts, relationships, and rules, which can facilitate access to legal information and improve legal reasoning. Of special interest is the development of specific ontologies conceived to represent fundamental legal concepts which offer a classification of legal provision types (i.e. Obligation, Permission, Right, Duty) and related properties (i.e. PermissionAddressee, PermissionAction), including logical relations between legal concepts. The aim of this approach is to improve the quality of legal texts and ensure the maintenance of legal information by monitoring the impacts of new regulations on the legal system. 

Conference website:

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